
Kindle fire hdx 7 3rd generation
Kindle fire hdx 7 3rd generation

kindle fire hdx 7 3rd generation

I have no idea whether they are easy to battery swap because, frankly, I've never needed to.

kindle fire hdx 7 3rd generation

On top of that, I've had an iPod touch for about 4 years, a Le Pan II tablet about 2, and I still use both and both hold a charge about as well as they ever did. Tough beans? I'll make you a deal - I won't pretend that what I care about in a tablet purchase is what you care about in a tablet purchase, and you do the same. If this is shaping the market in ways you don't like. If I were so tight for money that this were an issue, I would have went with a more repairable tablet. I fully expect that, two years from now, I'll giving it to my nephew to play with rather than open it up to try and squeeze an extra year out of it. For me, I bought a new tablet in August and it's already outdated. They do exist, and they exist precisely to appeal to people like you. So are we going to start boycotting new gadgets that we would otherwise like because they aren't made to last for a long, long time? You can, by all means, and use more longevity oriented devices. Why? Because a year or two down the road, the new device will be faster, more feature rich, and quite possibly even cheaper. You've got several people in here saying that they really don't care about repairing tablets and, frankly, most people go into the rapid stream of technology not just expecting to, but wanting to, get the new device to replace the old one in a year or two. Should I be so arrogant to think that because I think feature Y is really bad and worth a boycott, you should agree with me? I don't think so - but that's *exactly* what you're doing here. Will you listen to me? I doubt it, because you probably don't care about whatever deficiencies I find even if I think they're worth boycotting a product over. Then you could be saying "Oh, I think I'll buy device X" and I'll respond "Don't do that! By buying device X, you support feature Y, and we want to shape the market away from feature Y!" What devices do you support? I'm sure I can come up with some bad feature about them that we should rally together to get out of the market.

kindle fire hdx 7 3rd generation

You've picked this one thing and said "Ok everyone, this feature of this product means you shouldn't buy it - support other stuff that doesn't do that." The thing is, you can find an undesirable trait of almost any product and use that as your blanket reasoning for not supporting it. I know you can shape the market with your choices, but you're missing the point. You don't just affect the consumer market for yourself. They are hoping you will simply get a new kindle when your battery dies. It cost Amazon more to glue that battery down than leaving it loose and connected by a flexible lead. It is ok to value cost more than repairability, but that is not what is going on. Spend a few extra bucks on products that don't support the throw away life style, or atleast support it less than their competitors, and you will help improve the consumer market. Companies like google wouldn't be able to shove cloud computing down our throats. If no one bought cell phones without SD card slots, all cell phones would have SD card slots. No, you can shape the matket by supporting products that have the features you want available. Support it if you like, but know what you're getting into. This thing looks like a good little unit. End result? None of us would support anything, since I bet you'd be hard pressed to name a product that doesn't do *something* undesirable. Why not? You can make a catchall of "You shouldn't support products that do X" for just about anything. You shouldn't support products that are so locked down that you can't even change the battery. Amazon has great customer service and I'm sure they'd honor their warranty no problem. If it breaks, I'll probably be on amazon buying one of these Kindles. It's been dropped in addition to normal wear and it's still plugging away like day one. I don't know how many people buy a tablet and think they're going to repair it. 11730733 said:This is a pretty powerful hardware configuration for a tablet.

Kindle fire hdx 7 3rd generation